Once again, given my background with architecture, I would like to think that I have the acumen for creative and innovative solutions to given problems. For the past seven years of formal education, I have been faced with challenges to create designs and solutions to problems in a variety of locales and situations. The MLPD program is no different in this regard. Throughout the program, students are tasked with the creation of solutions in a creative manner as to accomplish many different aspects of various projects.
I believe the best example of this comes from LDEV 688 (Design and Development Economy II - Capstone). Although this project is ongoing at this time, it has already challenged me to think creatively about a design solution to achieve the set goals by the property owner for the development. Given the unique site and local influence, the downtown revitalization centered project is one that is challenging to say the least. Being that the site sits within the bounds of a retired military depot, certain restrictions are placed on the use of the site. Additionally, the current owners have very strong opinions about the proposed use of the property, and so the task is to create a cohesive design that provides all the necessary aspects without disrupting the existing community and environment. The proposed site plan for this project is attached below.